Worldwide, 27% of top 10 causes of deaths is related to cardiovascular disease (Heart Disease and Stroke). Arrhythmia is the major cause behind these causes of death.
According to statistics from the Singapore Heart Foundation, cardiovascular disease accounted for 29.3% of all deaths in 2019. This means that almost 1 out of 3 deaths in Singapore, is due to heart diseases or stroke. A study done by Singapore National Heart Centre and Health Sciences Authority in year 2003 estimated that as many as 1,000 died from Sudden Cardiac Death (unexpected death due to cardiac causes that occurs in a short time period in a person with known or unknown cardiac disease.” This condition is caused by an abnormal heart rhythm that disrupts the normal pumping of the heart throughout the body. There may be no warning signs or symptoms. About half of these deaths were less than 60 years old with 91% of them being males with the median age of 47 years old. For ladies, the median age was slightly higher at 50 years old.
Heart rhythm problems (heart arrhythmias) occur when the electrical impulses that coordinate your heartbeats don’t work properly, causing your heart to beat too fast, too slow or irregularly. Heart arrhythmias may feel like a fluttering or racing heart and may be harmless. However, some heart arrhythmias may be life-threatening.
Some people may not experience active symptoms due to arrhythmia. However, treatment is still essential for preventing further complications, which may include stroke and heart failure.
Symptoms of heart arrhythmias include:
Traditional screening tests like stress treadmill and 12 lead ECG captures a snapshot of the heart function at the point in time. The following tests offer monitoring over a longer period of time, and therefore provide a more accurate diagnosis of arrhythmia.
Holter monitor. A Holter monitor is a continuous ECG recording done over a period of 24 hour or more. Traditional holter monitors have electrodes that are attached to your chest and connected to a small portable ECG recorder by lead wires. Holter monitoring may be done when your physician thinks you may have an arrhythmia.
S-Patch Cardio offers an alternative ECG Monitoring of up to 72 hours that may be more user-friendly and cost effective. It involves a small electrocardiogram monitoring device that weighs 11 grams versus traditional holter monitors which are bulkier and heavier at 800 grams. Data is automatically transmitted to the cloud for easy retrieval by authorised parties. Results are validated by cardiologists although the equipment is being dispensed by a General Practitioner.
As there may be no symptoms, early detection may be your best option. Discuss your concerns with our doctors today.
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